Originally from Short Hills, New Jersey, Mathilda A. Lombos joined CCRC in 2015 and joined the finance team in 2017. In her role, Lombos maintains funder proposals and deadlines and reviews grant proposals and reports and budget narratives to ensure compliance and accuracy. Additionally, she develops contractor scopes of work and budgets, working in conjunction with CCRC’s project directors and TC’s Office of Sponsored Programs and General Counsel, and she executes contracts, ensuring adherence with CCRC and the college’s grant and contract specifications.
Lombos earned a BA in philosophy with concentrations in ethics and political philosophy from Emory University and an MA in philosophy and education from Teachers College, Columbia University. Her thesis examined the philosophies of language and communication of Marx, Dewey, and Voloshinov. Lombos has also studied Shakespeare and theatre at Regent’s Park College, University of Oxford, and the operas of Wagner at The Juilliard School. She is currently pursuing an MS in neuroscience from Columbia University, focusing on brain–immune system interactions and how factors such as stress, diet, and exercise promote healthy or unhealthy brain-behavior outcomes.