This three-year study closely examined six ATE projects and four national centers. The analysis was specifically concerned with the ability of the ATE projects and centers to meet the program’s goal of having a significant and permanent influence on the host colleges and on the system of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education in general.
Thus, the report discusses (1) the institutionalization of the projects and centers, or the extent to which their activities are becoming incorporated into the normal, ongoing activities of the host community colleges; and (2) their sustainability, or the extent to which the major activities of the ATE program continue after the NSF grant expires.
The report concludes that the ATE program has an impressive record of accomplishment, particularly in the influence it has had on curriculum and professional development, and on bringing together community colleges, universities, high schools, businesses, and other groups in a unique initiative to improve the education of the nation’s STEM technicians.