Policymakers, higher education associations, blue-ribbon commissions, and researchers are calling for a greater focus on institutional accountability. Thus, the American Association of Community Colleges and the Association of Community College Trustees, in partnership with the College Board, have launched an effort to develop a Voluntary Framework of Accountability (VFA) for Community Colleges to ensure that the effectiveness and contributions of these colleges are properly measured.
To develop the VFA, the College Board commissioned CCRC to undertake a study that would identify the performance measures states are already using, explore how well those measures articulate with the data demanded by IPEDS and the regional accrediting associations, and illuminate the experiences of state higher education officials and local community college leaders with the collection and use of state performance data.
CCRC researchers conducted a survey of higher education officials and community college leaders in 10 states and reviewed publications by state agencies and national higher education policy organizations. This report discusses the study’s findings and implications.