Humanities education in the two-year sector is underresearched, but its importance is undeniable, both in terms of the number of students enrolled in community college humanities coursework and the significance of the humanities for students’ educational experiences. In this project, CCRC uses a mixed-methods design to examine how community colleges promote and facilitate enrollment, persistence, and transfer in humanities fields.
Specifically, this project focused on how two- and four-year institutions can collaborate to facilitate transfer in humanities fields, the experiences of students in humanities programs, and indicators of student progress and success. In collaboration with the Michigan Community College Association (MCCA) and faculty from partner institutions in the Michigan Association of State Universities and the Michigan Independent Colleges & Universities, CCRC researchers address five research questions:
- How can community colleges work with their partner institutions to create clear transfer pathways for students in the humanities?
- What information, including career guidance, do students receive about these programs? Why do students choose these programs?
- How can faculty at two- and four-year institutions work across sectors to identify learning outcomes, and instructional strategies for selected courses in humanities programs and implement approaches to enhance transfer success and degree attainment?
- What are the course-taking patterns and progress indicators for students who enroll in humanities courses in community colleges?
- What do disaggregated outcomes by race/ethnicity, income, and gender suggest about opportunities for improving equitable access and success in humanities fields?
This project is funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.