Based on observations following the last major disruption to community colleges, Davis Jenkins and John Fink explore how the COVID-19 pandemic could affect enrollment trends across three groups of students: students aged 25 and over, students aged 18–24, and dual enrollment students.
The IPEDS definition of public-two year colleges no longer fits the community college sector and its students, making it more challenging for policy research to provide an accurate statistical picture of these institutions. In this blog post, John Fink and Davis Jenkins describe CCRC's alternative definition.
Community colleges across the nation are adapting to teaching and learning amid the pandemic. This essay details some of the issues they're confronting during this transition, including maintaining equitable practice and financial stability.
Student support professionals across the country have transitioned to remote advising in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Here, CCRC's Andrea Lopez compiles resources for making the change effectively.
CCRC is deeply concerned about how the coronavirus will affect community colleges and their students. Here, Director Thomas Brock reflects on responses to the pandemic thus far and describes the important role open-access institutions can play as the country rebuilds from this crisis.