The pandemic prohibits CCRCers from conducting site visits and in-person data collection, but that doesn't mean they've stopped gathering information. Here are some of the challenges and opportunities presented by remote research.
Based on survey data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau, this blog post examines how the pandemic is affecting households with community college students and sheds light on why community college enrollments are down.
The economic fallout from the pandemic makes it all the more important to align credit and noncredit workforce programming. High-quality, low-cost training that leads to living-wage jobs must be accessible.
In the latest edition of our Inside CCRC blog series, Senior Research Associate Hana Lahr describes the many hats she's worn at community colleges, as well as her experience on Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign.
For five years, 13 community colleges have discussed conditions and offered suggestions for how best to bridge the gap between credit and noncredit programs. This blog post describes what they've found.