From enrollment to instruction, no part of open-access postsecondary education has remained untouched by the coronavirus. Since the pandemic began, our researchers have written several blog posts and contributed to dozens of news stories related to the community college sector’s response and its future, all of which you’ll find below. We will continue to update this page, as well as our COVID-19 blog series, as this crisis continues.
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CCRC blog: Community Colleges and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Which States Have Been Hardest Hit?
This blog post uses Census Bureau data to offer a state-by-state look at how COVID-19 has disrupted students’ college plans. (March 2, 2021)
CCRC blog: Behind the Enrollment Numbers: How COVID has Changed Students’ Plans for Community College
Based on survey data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau, this blog post examines how the pandemic is affecting households with community college students and sheds light on why community college enrollments are down. (November 19, 2020)
CCRC blog: How Will COVID-19 Affect Community College Enrollment? Looking to the Great Recession for Clues
Based on observations following the last major disruption to community colleges, Davis Jenkins and John Fink explore how the COVID-19 pandemic could affect enrollment trends across three groups of students: students aged 25 and over, students aged 18–24, and dual enrollment students. (April 30, 2020)
In the news
- CCAC’s Enrollment Dropped During the Pandemic. What Could This Mean for Allegheny County? (February 15, 2022 | PublicSource)
- Community Colleges Find Creative Ways to Entice Students Back to Campus Despite Enrollment Lows (February 15, 2022 | Where We Live)
- Pandemic Enrollment Drops Leave 1 Million Potential Students Behind (January 13, 2022 | Diverse: Issues in Higher Education)
- An ‘Unbelievable Comeback’ (December 6, 2021 | Inside Higher Ed)
- Community Colleges Face Steep Losses in Black Freshmen Enrollment (November 18, 2021 | Bloomberg News)
- ‘How Do We Rebuild?”: Community Colleges Try to Claw Their Way Back (November 10, 2021 | Chronicle of Higher Education
- Community Colleges in Texas Find Creative Ways Around Decreased Funding in Response to Low Enrollment (November 9, 2021 | Diverse: Issues in Higher Education)
- The Effects of COVID on Community Colleges and Students (October 13, 2021 | Affordable Colleges Online)
- Student Enrollment at Arizona’s Community Colleges Continues to Fall (October 2, 2021 | AZ Central)
- Community Colleges in Recovery (October 1, 2021 | E. W. Scripps)
- Reynolds Community College Works to Re-enroll Lost Students (September 20, 2021 | The Henrico Citizen)
- Facing Steep Enrollment Declines, Fiscal Cliff, Community Colleges Accelerate Advisor Hiring (July 5, 2021 | The Connecticut Mirror)
- How Community Colleges Are Retooling to Raise Enrollment (June 1, 2021 | PBS NewsHour)
- How Colleges can Ensure This Year’s High School Graduates Aren’t Left Behind (May 3, 2021 | Higher Ed Dive)
- LI Community Colleges See Marked Declines in Enrollment (April 18, 2021 | Newsday)
- 25% of Students Postponed College During Covid, Some Indefinitely (April 16, 2021 | CNBC)
- Transfer Enrollment Drops (April 12, 2021 | Inside Higher Ed)
- Community Colleges Have Lost a Lot of Students During the Pandemic. Here’s How One Campus Has Kept Theirs (March 18, 202 | LAist)
- Community Colleges at a Crossroads: Enrollment Is Plummeting, but Political Clout Is Growing (March 2, 2021 | The Washington Post)
- ‘It’s Just Too Much’: Why Students Are Abandoning Community Colleges in Droves (January 15, 2021 | The Hechinger Report)
- How Two-Year Colleges Can Mitigate Student Enrollment Declines (December 11, 2020 | Diverse: Issues in Higher Education)
- Low-Income Community College Students Most Likely to Cancel Plans (December 10, 2020 | Inside Higher Ed)
- How the Pandemic Worsened—and Highlighted—Community Colleges’ Chronic Challenges (December 8, 2020 | Chronicle of Higher Education)
- Tumbling Community-College Enrollment Highlights Pandemic’s Broad Impact (November 22, 2020 | The Wall Street Journal)
- As Community College Enrollment Dips Nationwide, CCV Numbers Hold Steady (October 28, 2020 | VT Digger)
- In Another Blow to Student Equity, Transfers to 2-Year Colleges Plunge (October 27, 2020 | The Chronicle of Higher Education)
- Transfer Enrollment Declines (October 27, 2020 | Inside Higher Ed)
- Recessions Are Usually Good for Community Colleges. Not This Time (October 22, 2020 | WGBH)
- Why Does Community College Enrollment Look So Different This Year? COVID (October 9, 2020 | CT Mirror)
- As More Four-Year Colleges Flip Online, Some Students Take a Second Look at Community Colleges (August 19, 2020 | WGBH)
- South Carolina’s Community Colleges Feel COVID’s Effects (July 2, 2020 | Greenville News)
- Coronavirus: Record Number of Courses Taken at Palm Beach State College (June 26, 2020 | The Palm Beach Post)
- College Classes for HS Students Have Been Growing in Popularity. but With K-12 Schools Shuttered, COVID Is Fueling a Dual-Enrollment Boom (June 22, 2020 | The 74)
- Houston Community College Sees Summer Enrollment Increase (May 28, 2020 | The Houston Chronicle)
- Coronavirus News Roundup for May 26 (May 26, 2020 | Inside Higher Ed)
- Community Colleges Prepare for Enrollment Spike Tied to Coronavirus (May 21, 2020 | Fox News)
- With Higher Ed in Limbo, Students Are Switching to Community Colleges (May 20, 2020 | NBC/The Hechinger Report)
- Looking at Recession Data to Gauge Possible Trends (April 30, 2020 | Community College Daily)
- Community Colleges Could See a Surge in Popularity Amid Covid-19 (April 22, 2020 | CNBC)
Instruction and Student Supports
CCRC publication: Implementing and Scaling Multiple Measures Assessment in the Context of COVID-19
This brief discusses how community college systems in four states—Indiana, Virginia, Texas, and Washington—supported large-scale changes to student placement practices in reaction to challenges associated with the COVID pandemic. (January 2021)
CCRC blog: Why Are Community Colleges Investing in Guided Pathways Reforms in the Face of Frightening Fiscal Uncertainty?
This post breaks down how much guided pathways reforms cost to implement, why colleges are choosing to undertake the reforms despite those costs, and what these efforts mean for funding amid the pandemic. (October 29, 2020)
CCRC blog: How Colleges Adapted Advising and Other Supports During COVID-19 Shutdowns
Though remote experiences cannot replace the relationships students and advisors build when they’re together on campus, colleges across the country adapted to provide support to their most vulnerable learners when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Here, researchers describe some of the strategies they implemented. (September 17, 2020)
CCRC blog: What Does It Mean to Be a Caring Campus During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
It’s important to connect with students and staff in ordinary times, but during the pandemic, fostering a sense of campus community is all the more crucial. In this blog post, experts offer solutions for keeping staff and students engaged and feeling supported while everyone is remote. (June 26, 2020)
CCRC blog: Resources for Advisors During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Student support professionals across the country have transitioned to remote advising in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Here, CCRC’s Andrea Lopez compiles resources for making the change effectively. (April 2, 2020)
In the news
- What College Students Need Now (May 28, 2020 | The Chronicle of Higher Education)
- Workforce Development and an Opportunity for Change (May 28, 2020 | Inside Higher Ed)
- More College Students May Need Remedial Help This Fall. Can They Get It Online? (April 22, 2020 | The Chronicle of Higher Education)
- The Coronavirus Is Forcing Many Colleges to Go Online Only. But Will It Work for Everyone? (March 16, 2020 | The Seattle Times)
The Student Experience
CCRC blog: Will Students Be Prepared for Community College Post-Pandemic?
This is blog post analyzes U.S. Census data to gauge how school has changed during the pandemic for students who said they planned to attend community college. Findings suggest future students may not be as well-prepared as prior community college cohorts. (April 29, 2021)
CCRC blog: Does It Hurt or Help Four-Year College Students to Take Community College Courses?
A new CCRC study finds that students who are primarily enrolled in four-year colleges but take some courses at two-year institutions benefit from doing so. Here, Maggie Fay and Vivian Yuen Ting Liu explain and contextualize the results of the study. (July 14, 2020)
In the news
- The New College Days: Reflecting on the First Semester of the 2020–2021 Academic Year (January 15, 2021 | Connecticut Public Radio)
- Why Covid-19 Could Force Colleges to Fix Their Transfer Problems (May 22, 2020 | The Chronicle of Higher Education)
- Pass/Fail During COVID-19? Not at Community Colleges, and Some Students Aren’t Happy (May 22, 2020 | The Charlotte Observer)
- Why Flexibility in Credit Transfers Is Crucial for Equity in a Post-COVID-19 World (May 18, 2020 | Diverse: Issues in Higher Education)
- First-Gen Problems: How One Group of Students Are Struggling During Covid (May 1, 2020 | Uptown Radio)
- College Costs May Be a Top Concern Amid COVID-19 Economic Crash, but Here’s Why Picking a Cheaper School Now May Actually Leave Students Worse Off (April 15, 2020 | The 74)
- Choosing Pass/Fail Grades May Help College Students Now, but Could Cost Them Later (April 7, 2020 | PBS/The Hechinger Report)
- Stripped of Graduation and End-of-Year Rituals, New Generation of College Seniors Instead Face Dismal Job Market (April 6, 2020 | The Hechinger Report)
Journal article: Catastrophe or Catalyst? Reflections on COVID’s Impact on Community Colleges
This essay in the Journal of Postsecondary Student Success discusses how community colleges responded to the pandemic and argues that the crisis was worsened by years of underinvestment and by entrenched structures and practices. (December 2021)
CCRC blog: Letter From the Director: COVID Funding for Community Colleges
The next COVID-19 federal relief bill should more fairly distribute aid to community colleges, which educate a significant number of students belonging to communities disproportionately affected by the coronavirus pandemic. (August 10, 2020)
CCRC blog: How Will COVID-19 Affect Community College Funding?
Here, Davis Jenkins, John Fink, and Thomas Brock use Great Recession–era data as a potential blueprint for how community college funding may shift moving forward. (May 19, 2020)
In the news
- Strapped Community Colleges to Receive Additional $198 Million in Aid From Biden Administration (January 20, 2022 | Marketplace Morning Report)
- Community Colleges Prepare for Fall Semester Amid Coronavirus (May 29, 2020 | Newsy)
- If Cuomo Cuts Funding, CUNY Layoffs Will Be a ‘Bloodbath’ (May 20, 2020 | The Nation)
- Four Concerns—and One Cause for Hope—as Coronavirus Closes Community Colleges (March 26, 2020 | EdSurge)
CCRC blog: What Will Work Look Like for Community College Graduates in a COVID world?
This post highlights four key pandemic-related economic trends that are shaping American jobs and how community colleges can ensure students are prepared to thrive in this new world of work. (December 16, 2021)
CCRC blog: An Updated Look at Community College Graduates and the COVID-19 Pandemic
This post describes how, as the pandemic nears the end of its second year, community college degrees continue to protect graduates and whether initial pandemic-related disruptions are becoming permanent features of the labor market. (December 7, 2021)
CCRC blog: Community College Graduates and the COVID-19 Pandemic
This blog post uses Census data to examine how the pandemic affected community college graduates in the workforce. Clive Belfield and Tom Brock found that associate degree-holders faced significant hurdles, but their labor market experiences were less disrupted than those of high school graduates. (January 21, 2021)
CCRC blog: When Preparation Meets Opportunity: The Benefits of Integrated Credit and Noncredit Divisions During the Pandemic
The economic fallout from the pandemic makes it all the more important to align credit and noncredit workforce programming. High-quality, low-cost training that leads to living-wage jobs must be accessible. (November 17, 2020)
CCRC blog: Community Colleges and the Future of Work: Exploring Skill Demands Amid the Pandemic
Technology and the COVID-19 pandemic have disrupted employment and accelerated changes to the workplace. Here, CCRC’s Sarah Griffin and Maria Scott-Cormier describe three skills employers expect community college graduates to possess amid the evolving economic environment. (August 20, 2020)
In the news
- Students Who Counted on Work-Study Jobs Now Struggle to Pay Their Bills (October 22, 2020 | The Washington Post)
Other Impacts
CCRC blog: Remote Data Collection: How CCRC Adapted Research Practices Amid the Pandemic
The pandemic prohibits CCRCers from conducting site visits and in-person data collection, but that doesn’t mean they’ve stopped gathering information. Here are some of the challenges and opportunities presented by remote research. (November 24, 2020)
CCRC blog: Emerging Challenges the Coronavirus Poses for Community Colleges
Community colleges across the nation are adapting to teaching and learning amid the pandemic. This essay details some of the issues they’re confronting during this transition, including maintaining equitable practice and financial stability. (April 7, 2020)
CCRC blog: Letter From the Director: Coronavirus Pandemic
CCRC is deeply concerned about how the coronavirus will affect community colleges and their students. Here, Director Thomas Brock reflects on responses to the pandemic thus far and describes the important role open-access institutions can play as the country rebuilds from this crisis. (March 25, 2020)
In the news
- More Community Colleges Are Mandating Coronavirus Vaccination (October 4, 2021 | The Washington Post)
- COVID-19’s Impact on Community College Research (April 7, 2020 | Community College Daily)