In order to close equity gaps in developmental math, colleges must address the specific challenges that less privileged students face, including stereotype threat and instructor bias.
A new CCRC study finds that students who are primarily enrolled in four-year colleges but take some courses at two-year institutions benefit from doing so. Here, Maggie Fay and Vivian Yuen Ting Liu explain and contextualize the results of the study.
Budgets signal who and what a society values. To that end, anti-racist higher education policies should begin with allocating greater financial resources to community colleges.
Community colleges across the nation are adapting to teaching and learning amid the pandemic. This essay details some of the issues they're confronting during this transition, including maintaining equitable practice and financial stability.
CCRC researchers presented on guided pathways, equity, and more during the 2020 League for Innovation in the Community College annual conference. Check out we happened in Seattle!