Lessons on Transformational Reform From Technology-Mediated Advising
In EdSurge, Melinda Mechur Karp discusses CCRC's advising research and lessons from the research on what it takes to transform the work of a college.
What’s Happening Beyond the Public Eye in the Dept. of Education?
In The Hechinger Report, Rebecca Natow writes about the federal rulemaking process in higher education, arguing it deserves more attention as one of the most important and direct mechanisms the Department of Education uses to change policy.
As Cuomo Proposal Rekindles Free College Movement, New Research Provides Ammunition for Skeptics
In a report for Brookings, Judith Scott-Clayton looks at the tradeoffs between tuition-free college and boosts to college budgets.
A Glimpse at How Much Power Trump’s Cabinet Appointees Will Have
MarketWatch explores the use of the rulemaking process to change policy in an interview with Rebecca Natow on her new book, Higher Education Rulemaking: The Politics of Creating Regulatory Policy.
How Politics Shapes the Making of Higher-Education Regulations
The Chronicle of Higher Education talks to Rebecca Natow about her new book on the politics of higher education rulemaking.
Community Colleges as Pathways to Baccalaureate Attainment: Benefits, Obstacles, and Policy Implications
Di Xu writes in The EvoLLLution about her recent research with Shanna Smith Jaggars and Jeffrey Fletcher on obstacles in the way of community college students seeking to transfer and potential policy responses.
Does Performance Funding Work?
In Inside Higher Ed, Kevin Dougherty and his research team write about what they learned in their years studying performance funding programs.
The 2016 Election and Higher Education Rulemaking: Important Implications for Regulations Governing Financial Aid and Other Federal Programs
In a blog post for Johns Hopkins University Press, Rebecca Natow discusses the research presented in her forthcoming book, Higher Education Rulemaking: The Politics of Creating Regulatory Policy, and the implications of the 2016 election for higher education policymaking.
Understudied Barriers to Transfer
In Inside Higher Ed, Davis Jenkins and John Fink discuss three barriers to college transfer that have received less attention from researchers or practitioners yet may be major obstacles to transfer student success.
What Does It Take to Get Students Ready for College?
Important questions remain about what makes an effective high school-to-college transition course, write Elisabeth Barnett and Elizabeth Ganga in The Hechinger Report.