Comments by Sandy Baum and Judith Scott-Clayton on the White House Announcement on New Community College Initiatives
On the Hamilton Project's blog, Judith Scott-Clayton and Sandy Baum share their reactions to President Obama's free tuition proposal.
The Problem With Obama's "Free Community College" Proposal
In Money, Thomas Bailey and Judith Scott-Clayton discuss the pros and cons of President Obama's proposal for free community college tuition.
Student Attitudes Toward Technology in Advising
An EDUCAUSE blog post by Hoori Santikian Kalamkarian looks at CCRC research findings on student attitudes toward technology at three levels of advising: administrative tasks, supporting and encouraging students, and more intensive advising to help students develop skills to identify their goals and plan for the future.
College Data Tools
In a letter to the editor, Melinda Mechur Karp responds to a New York Times op-ed on the data analytics tools used at colleges, emphasizing that "their power is meaningful only in the context of more comprehensive reform."
Ready or Not: How Multiple Measures of College Readiness Can Help Reduce Unnecessary Remediation
In a commentary for the TC Record, Judith Scott-Clayton describes how incorporating high school transcript information into the placement process for incoming students would lead to fewer students being misplaced into developmental education.
Improving the Targeting of Treatment: Evidence From College Remediation
A blog post by Judith Scott-Clayton for the Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE) considers how colleges might improve the accuracy of their remedial placement processes.
Can 15-Credit Enrollment Boost Completion Rates?
Davis Jenkins and Serena Klempin review strategies colleges and states are using to encourage students to increase their enrollment intensity on the AACC 21st Century Center's blog.
Making the Most of Advising and Planning Technologies
In a blog post for the AACC 21st Century Center, Melinda Mechur Karp writes about how Integrated Planning and Advising Services (IPAS) can be implemented and adopted to help colleges achieve their larger goals.
Reducing Complexity for Students: A Tool to Help Colleges Implement Low-Cost Solutions
In a blog post for the College and Career Readiness and Success Center, Shanna Smith Jaggars and Jeffrey Fletcher discuss how CCRC's practitioner packet on simplifying complexity in the student experience can help colleges devise ways to improve the academic decision-making process for students.
There Is a Simpler Way for Students to Apply for Financial Aid
In The New York Times, Susan Dynarski and Judith Scott-Clayton argue that simplifying the FAFSA, as proposed by Senators Lamar Alexander and Michael Bennet, would improve college access for low-income students.