Press Releases
A new study examines why students choose online versus face-to-face courses and finds they tend to avoid online courses in subjects they perceive as "difficult" or "interesting."
The study's authors discuss ways that colleges can optimize College 101 courses, which serve as extended college orientations for entering students.
Dual enrollment participants, many of whom were from groups historically underrepresented in higher education, demonstrated improved performance on a range of high school and college outcomes.
The two-year random assignment study found that participation in a summer bridge program increased students' likelihood of passing college-level math and writing in their first year and a half of college.
Two CCRC studies on commonly used entry assessments call into question whether these tests should be used as the sole determinant of access to college-level courses.
The committee suggested alternative measures and changes in data collection to yield a more nuanced depiction of how well two-year colleges are achieving their mission.
Two new studies from the National Center for Postsecondary Research offer important insights into how dual enrollment can best be structured to deliver maximum benefits for students.
Community colleges are pulled between several competing goals as they design policies for their underprepared students. The result is a remediation system that serves neither students nor institutions well.
A study of developmental summer bridge programs in Texas found that students who attend the summer programs are more likely to pass college-level classes in math and writing than those who do not.
Community colleges should focus more attention on helping students choose and enter college-level programs of study, new CCRC research suggests.